Saturday, April 21

Activities in Jaffa Against the Ethnic Transfer

About 2000 Jaffa inhabitants are about to become homeless. Not 500, as i previously thought in my optimism. 497 home demolition orders have been made, all of them against Arab families form Jaffa's Ajami neighbourhood. All of them against Arab families.

There are a number of legal tricks used in the process of the home demolitions.
One of them is making misuse of the "protected inhabitant" law. This law recognizes the second generation (the sons of the previous owner as having a right to continue living in the house, but doesn't say a thing about the third generation, the grand children of the original owner. As a result they are declared "illegal squatters" (although they may have been born in the houses and lived there all their lives).
Another legal trick used, is the negation of the (signed) agreements reached some 12 years ago between the land management authority, the Amidar public housing company and the residents of Ajami.
The result is the same: the poor Palestinian residents are being thrown out in the streets, the wealthy and rich move in. And by being thrown out in the streets, i intend just that: made homeless: 2000 people form Ajami are being made homeless, with no solution in sight.

This coming friday, April the 27th, 2007 at 14.00 o'clock there will be a demonstration against the demolition of 597 houses in Ajami.
The demo will start in Jabaliya ("Givat Aliya), from the "reef" beach, towards the northern wealthy neighbourhoods. From there to the Arab Jewish Community Center where there will be a meeting.

On the May the 1st (labor day) a conference concerning housing issues will beheld, to discuss viable housing solution which will not lead to slummification. Details later

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