Saturday, October 7

In memory of a legendary bus driver

When i first moved into the square in which i live up to this day, i was welcomed by Mr. Kaboub.

Always dressed immaculately in a light coloured suit and tie (very rare in this place), his hair perfectly coiffed and small moustache expertly waxed, sitting on his small street level porch with his favorite reading material, the Kur'an, on a special wooden stand. A smile, a wave of the hand and "S'bah elhir".

His devout wife, a refugee from Nablous with Jaffa-roots, is a daughter of the ElRahim family, always caring for him and pampering him at all hours of the day.

Mr. Kaboub was a bus driver with the "Dan" public transport cooperative and its first Palestinian member. Driving along Yefet street on his regular route for more than 40 years, he was known by all in Jaffa.

Mr. Kaboub was also an honorary citizen of the Tel Aviv - Yafo (Jaffa) municipality and he loved showing me the framed photograph of the ceremony , when the mayor hands him the certificate.
I am aware some people didn't appreciate him for various reasons, however, to me he was always "the friendly man on the corner", a smile, a greeting, a wave. Serene while reading his Ku'ran.

He suddenly passed away last thursday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

rest in peace beloved grandpa...